Saratov policeman rescued children traveling along the Volga River

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A storm hit 32 people on the Volga River on July 6. A group of tourists, consisting of 7 adults and 25 children, went on a sailing yacht trip from Samara to Volgograd, but a gale force wind, which caused high waves, scattered small vessels on the river near the village of Khvalynsk and began to blow them in the direction of the shore.

Fortunately, the schoolchildren managed to send a distress signal, which was responded to by a Saratov district officer. Captain Dmitry Borzov took the jet ski at a nearby camping site, and within an hour he managed to evacuate 9 children and one adult on it. He also informed his fellow officers of the exact location of the others in distress and towed the overturned or nearly full vessels to the shore.

Thanks to the actions of the local police officer, no casualties were sustained in the incident.

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