Fedor Konyukhov is halfway to his goal

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On the first day of spring Fyodor Konyukhov announced that he had passed the halfway point of his next solo voyage. According to the famous traveler, 140 degrees west longitude is left behind, the equator of the route is passed.

The next milestone figure navigator calls 180 degrees of longitude - the transition from the western hemisphere to the eastern, which is also the line change of dates.

In addition to the data on his location, Fedor Konyukhov gave his assistants information about the weather and his state of health:

«The temperature tends to 30 degrees of heat, during the day the cabin warms up to a sauna, but at night it is pleasant to be on deck, I even sleep outside by removing the seat. No waves, no splashing, the deck is dry. There are billions of stars overhead, the boat glides quietly across the surface of the ocean. So far French Polynesia is taking me well».

He also noted that cyclones and tropical storms are the main hazards. One such storm is raging 30 degrees west of the boat «Turgoyak» and is not crossing its set course. It is not yet clear when the next tropical storm will appear and in what direction it will move. Konyukhov remains optimistic and confident that he will successfully cross the second part of the Pacific.

On December fourteenth, Fyodor Konyukhov set off on a months-long ocean rowing marathon «across the Pacific on the paddleboat Turgoyak». Starting point - Chile. The finishing point is Australia. The total length of the route is around 19,000 kilometres. You can read the itinerary using this link. You can find detailed information at

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