It starts in Italian Portoferraio (Elba Island) today, 31 May, and ends on 2 June. The forecasters promise a light wind for the weekend - and we hope it will be enough for all the planned starts. In total, the organizers expect to hold 8 races. At this stage, 19 teams will take part. Russia is represented by the sailing team «Synergy», which finished in the top three at the official training session.
Short summary of previous series. In the first stage of the races won our «Synergy» led by the team's
Participation in this series of races did not go without a trace for «Synergy». After riding Melges20 yachts on Audi Sailing Series, the team leaders decided to organize their own regatta for this democratic class. For a team with
And to train themselves and join the new class of yachtsmen from Russia.
The next stage of the series will follow on