We met with Nikita Martyanov a few minutes before his photo shoot at Malibu wake-club to chat about his life and ask about his nearest plans.

- Nikita, tell me, what are you working on now?
- Now, all my main time takes a boat«. The original kind of wakeboard I originally came from. Tomorrow we leave for Prague for the big contest (Wake Jam), which has been held there for many years.

- You've had some crazy projects with Red Bull (Ice Wake, wakeboarding opposite the Kremlin). Are you still cooperating? Preparing anything new?
- Yes, of course, Red Bull is my main sponsor. We have a very large number of ideas for the future. It's gonna be an even crazier project very soon. It's in development now, unfortunately, we can't talk about it much.
- And not much?
- Very soon, by the end of the season, we will be shooting a big, very beautiful story that no one has done before us. It's definitely gonna be an explosion.

- Do you have signs of luck?
- We're super simple about everything, and we have nothing like that.
The important thing is that the rope doesn't mess up and the wetsuit is dry.
In the dry more pleasant to climb and more comfortable to ride. Our summer isn't usually very warm.
- Besides weather, what prevents wakeboarding in Russia?
- Nothing interferes with it. We have a wakeboard on a crazy ascent, more boats, more cables, more reverse winches every year. In terms of training, we are at a very high level. The Federation is finally starting to support us normally. Wake has made a huge leap in recent years, and it's a pleasure.
In Russia you have no kite, no surf because there is no wind, no waves. Geographically, we are deprived of it.
Wakeboarding is the only sport you can do without problems. Woke up, got up and went for a ride.
- Are you facing stereotypes? Let's say you say: «I do wakeboarding, and»all at once: Oh, it's «parties on the beach until morning ... .
- Naturally, big competitions always end with tough battles, which are not always successful for some people. As for stereotypes - in principle, no. The only thing we had to deal with before was that people did not know what it was. It was hard to explain, because the wake-up wasn't in sight. Now almost everyone knows what wakeboarding is.
- Are bad habits and wakeboarding compatible?
- I know guys who do board-cross and drunken people are much better than sober people. But I'm not a supporter of all this. Especially since it is absolutely wrong to ride in obscure states. Yes, it is.