Peter Ilgefritz has decided to quit sailing. He has tried himself in different fleets, including Snipe, T-10, J/24 and PHRF. And tired of losing... ItBoat's editorial staff doesn't know him personally, but we decided to translate his opinion published on the website sailingscuttlebutt. Suddenly, you have thoughts like that...
Stan Honey - the same person who made the broadcast of the «America»'s Cup spectacular (Editor: here you can read how he did it), once said the beautiful: «Probably the guys calculate that well-organized open water «loop» races, arranged by professionals, are won by them, and then the guys who have little chance, lose interest».

There's a saying: «If you're not ahead of the sled, the landscape will never change».
People go out of sports to find entertainment, where the results will not be discouraged and where they will not be eternally splashing behind everyone.
Sailing can be exciting: it becomes your challenge, your passion and your social circle. For many years I have raced in a variety of regattas - big and small - in the USA, Bermuda and the Bahamas. I have enjoyed them until exactly one moment.
As a weekend racer, I am tired of constantly losing to the same people - whether it is the local fleet or a variety of regional, national, North American or world championships. The atmosphere is great, but then you're «covered» with your results.

I still read Scuttlebutt because I love yachting, but I don't have my own boat and I'm not going to mass racing anymore. If you want to find a way out, look at those who have already left the sport. Look to help those who are on the tail, see any progress, see the chances to defeat those who lead the fleet, and improve results over time.
A couple of ideas that come to mind when you look at other sports...
1) Low leagues. Group people by talent so that everyone has a chance to distinguish themselves and feel satisfied after a race day.
Let the champions fight the champions - do they really need 60 people behind them to feel cool?
Let the riders take it to the next level after the current one. Personally, I don't like this method, but it's used in many sports and allows athletes to compete at their level.
2) Gandicap people. In golf, you compete with yourself by mastering various components of the game to improve your personal score. What others do, you do not care (the main thing is not to hit the ball in the head).
Evaluate your day, compare the results of this race with the previous one. With your own bar. As you finish your day, remember the little things that slowed you down or accelerated you, instead of worrying that from your «gallery» never saw the winners finish.
If you want people to stay in sports, give them a reason for good emotions.
If the landscape does not change, and there is no way to enjoy your progress, it's time to find another