The Bloomberg agency has analysed where megayachts were going in the south of Europe in July-August 2020.
The results showed that their number in Turkey in August (around 63) was the highest since 2017. By comparison, in 2019 there were only 26 superyachts in the same year, with the number of superyachts in Greece (145) and Croatia (64) also reaching a three-year high. Compared to 2019, their number increased by 13 and 19.
At the same time, in France and Spain, there was a decrease of 20 and 24 compared to 2019.
Italy «didn't get 77 yachts».
Italy and France, however, remained at the top of European destinations, with 197 and 155 megayachts in August, respectively. There were 84 large yachts registered in Spain.