There are two meanings behind itBoat name. The first is rather obvious, the second is less common.
From the very beginning, we invented itBoat as a web-service for fellow yachts people.
Therefore, we named our site itBoat by mixing “IT” (Information technology) and “boat”.
We aim for developing a technology that could make the entire process of buying a boat easier. We understand that the yachting industry remains very much conservative and that the slow pace of change in the industry does not correspond to the needs of new generation buyers.
Who are these new buyers? They are used to online shopping, a fast, all-time, and seamless buying process made possible by the almighty Internet and new technologies. This is what itBoat is trying to bring to the yachting industry.

We accumulate information about fresh yachts— the most modern and good-looking ones out there— and make it possible to search and find the best suitable variants for every need. So, we are not only about technology, but also about promoting the new breed of nice, hot, fashionable, and stylish boats.
We took expressions from the fashion industry —"it Girl" and "it Boy" — that can be used in relationship to fashionable, stylish, famous and glamour people, and applied it to boats.
That is how itBoat name was born.

The expression "it girl" first appeared in Elinor Glyn's bestseller Three Weeks and was popularized by the Paramount Studios film "It", starring Clara Bow.
If yachts were alive (and for many yacht owners it is so), you would call them "it girls" or "it boys" and find them on a Vogue or GQ cover. Which is your next "itBoat"? Find out on the pages of itBoat Magazine, the Vogue of the world of yachts.