Blessed with success: L30 gets foils

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Last week the International Sailing Federation (World Sailing) announced that participants of the World Offshore Championships will compete onRodion Luka's monotypes- 9.5m L30. The success emboldened the head of the Sailing Federation of Ukraine: according to rumors, he started developing a version of L30 with foils. The editorial office of itBoat received the first rendering of the boat.

Thanks to hydrofoils, the boat is supposed to tackle the wind 30% faster than its traditional counterpart. Specialists from French SEAir, which specializes in hydrofoil research, will help to perfect the L30. Based on this, it can be assumed that the improved Monotype Luki will probably look more like a «winged» Mini 747 than a «America's Cup yacht» AC75 with rotating «legs» on the sides.

World Sailing's decision has attracted the attention of yachtsmen from around the world to the L30, and its improved version is causing double the excitement. Notwithstanding the fact that no one is ready yet, a lot of people are lining up to try and sailing this gimmick as soon as possible. And French offshore racers are in the first ranks.

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