Congratulations, Gleb Georgiyevich!

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Wally has seen a significant recovery in recent times. The economic crisis, which had long delayed the construction of some of our existing yachts, has now been reversed, as clients have started to refit previously commissioned yachts. We have just recently reported on the launching of a new WallyCento, the first of a kind in the new WallyCento Class, on the 18th June in the South of England!

In a nutshell , let's remind you about this class. It arose after a number of owners complained Luca Bassani the following problem: they would like to race between themselves «on chesnok» (without any recalculations and handicaps), but to have on board «full stuffing and all affairs». According to Mr Bassani himself, the latter is not possible with a boat shorter than 30 meters. «This is how the new WallyCento Class was created,», a name that hints directly at the length of the yachts, which is 100 feet. The class rules are «boxed», that is, they limit the maximum parameters of the boat (it must fit into a certain virtual «box», hence - box rules), and the rest is at the discretion of the owner and the designer he chooses. «The basic dimensions of this» box are: length 30-30.48 meters, width 6.5-7.2 meters, displacement 45-50 tons, draft 5 meters for yachts with fixed keel or 4.5 to 6.2 meters with lowered keel.

The first of a class worthy of describing. For the first time in the history of the Wally Class she was launched in England. For the first time in Wally's history she was launched in England, which is where she was originally built. At the famous shipyard Green Marine (which, by the way, is where ours was built). «Orca»). «The idea of this class is that to build» a client can choose not only the designer and stylist, but also the shipyard. The Wally Engineering Centre is only responsible for technical supervision of the build.
The design of the Hamilton (as the new boat is called) was assigned to judel/vrolijk. «This famous design house is well known, for example for the creation of the victorious Alinghi, which won the America's Cup». Rolf Frolijk studied the existing fleet of 100 foot Wallys with great care: he had to figure out how to reduce the displacement by about 10 tons while retaining the comfort and comfort on board. She was based on the 72-footer Ran, which was also designed by Wally and proved to be a good runner. A rounded cheekbone was added to the stern to increase recovery torque while not increasing drag on sharp courses.
Original are some of the design solutions in the cockpit. In the aft part of the boat, there are two instrument stations (for winch adjusters) with vertically positioned displays. At the same time, these posts and their posts serve during the race as a kind of stern ladder, the middle part of which can be removed at anchorage, opening the way from the cockpit to the stern of the boat. Before the race, the middle part can be replaced by a radar pole. In addition, the same posts and their supports are the basis for the installation of a removable dining table.
We shall know how practical these solutions will be in the nearest future, in the very beginning of September the new boat is to appear in the race. In the end of the year it will be joined by a second sister boat, named Magic Carpet 3. Her hull was removed from its matrix a few days ago and now the equipment is being mounted in it. A rival company would have to ask for a head start...

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