The winner of the qualifying stage of Match Cup Russia - St. Petersburg Yacht Club Cup was the team of Marcus Edegran from the USA.

The Americans got maximum points in the first round-robin, winning all the matches, and in the second round-robin they lost only once to Pieter-Jan Postma from Holland.

The latter ended up in second place, losing, apart from Edegran, to Pole Lukasz Woszczynski. His Delphia Sailing Team is in the bottom of the first three.

The best Russian crew was «Tavatuy» of experienced Ekaterinburg yachtsman Evgeny Neuogodnikov. « Tavaitui» has four wins under his belt, three of them over other Russian teams, and one over Swedes led by Kim Kling.

Yevgeni Yelfimov's crew placed sixth with three victories, all of which were earned on the final day of competition. «However, the Muscovites managed to come out winners in the» derby with the Yekaterinburg driver on July 30.

«All races before that we raced with foreigners, and it was rather difficult, the meetings with our guys were at the end of the table. With Kochkina we had a good enough match and got our first win. The next match with Neufilnikov was very tense, but we managed to take the start first and kept the position, - said Denis Schary, Evgeny Elfimov's crew member. - With two points we were already confident that we could get into the main event. During the second round-robin the wind increased, it was quite difficult at such speeds with more experienced rivals, especially since we didn't have such fresh weather during all the races and training days. We are gaining strength and preparing for the fleet race that will take place the day after tomorrow».
The third Russian team of a young helmsman from Chelyabinsk Ekaterina Kochkina didn't win, but managed to surprise spectators with a confident performance. The 23-year-old athlete confidently imposed herself on more experienced rivals.

Nevertheless according to the competition rules the team of the Chelyabinsk yachtswoman did not get out of the qualification. For participation in Match Cup Russia we had to win at least two matches.
The Russians will be opposed by 12 teams from nine countries, including the winner of the 2016 Tour, Phil Robertson from New Zealand, for whom this is not the first visit to St. Petersburg.
According to the program of World Match Racing Tour events in St. Petersburg, Match Cup Russia races will be held on August 1-3 in the water area of the Nevskaya Bay with the base in the Yacht Club of St. Petersburg. And the decisive matches of the stage will take place on August 4-6 near the Peter and Paul Fortress walls. The entrance to the territory of the racing village is free. The competitions start daily at 10:00 a.m.