Extreme singles race has garnered a record number of entries

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The 20-mile circuit race on the Klyazma Reservoir will start in Moscow on October 12. Chichester Race. The start of the race is scheduled for 12.00 in the water area of the yacht club «Gals».

The Sir Francis Chichester Sailing Race is one of the oldest regattas in Russia, and this will be her 38th start. And it looks like it has already set its first record this year with 47 pennants submitted as of today. You can apply by this link till 12 o'clock on Thursday, October 10.

The «Chichester Race» regatta has two rules - «Only one person on board» and «Always right who goes ahead». Only cabin yachts with offshore sailing area participate. Extreme near-zero temperatures and northerly October winds bring the conditions closer to ocean conditions.

At the start, along with traditional and classic sailing yachts from the end of the twentieth and zero years of the twenty-first century, there will be modern racing yacht types Grand Prix 26,Grand Prix 18 and SportBoat 20. It will be possible to move along the course only under the sails and the engines will be sealed and blocked.

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