Krasnoyarsk reconstructors will raft down the Yenisei on a Cossack boat

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The forthcoming celebration of the 400th anniversary of Yeniseisk has inspired not only Igor Chapalov, but also other Siberians to make a grand rafting trip. On July 30-31 fromKrasnoyarsk to Yeniseisk a historical and reconstruction expedition will start, during which the crew of eight will travel 410 km along the Yenisei River on the wooden sailing and rowing Cossack boat «Takmak». It is expected that the group will reach its destination on the 8th of August, and on the 10th of August the boat and the crew will take part in the celebration of the City Day.

The boat on an image of Cossack ships of XIII-XVIII centuries on which went Siberian pioneers, three years ago has constructed independently the head of the project - the leading research assistant of Institute of biophysics of Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the professor of the Siberian federal university, doctor of biological sciences, member of the Russian geographical society (RGS) Denis Rogozin. It took him two years to reconstruct the boat. For another three years the boat was tested on the Yenisei andKrasnoyarsk reservoir. The crew tried control techniques, coordinated rowing, sailing and maneuvers on the current.

«During the expedition the crew of the pod will try to preserve historical identity as much as possible: the whole crew will wear 17th-century costumes, camp utensils, dishes and pavilions will be in the style of that time. There is no motor on the boat - we will go only by oars and downstream, and at a favorable wind - under a sail. The experience of alloys on the Yenisei, accumulated by the captain and crew members, allows us to consider this trip quite feasible», - the RGS press service quotes Rogozin.

However, «historical identity» does not mean the neglect of modern safety measures: life jackets and everything necessary will be on board during the trip.

Rogozin started selecting the crew for the future expedition almost a year ago.

Two inhabitants of Tomsk joined the crew, already used to«Takmak», but there are still two vacant places on the boat.

«We are open to cooperation! It would be nice if we could organize a motorboat escort. Maybe someone would like to make a documentary - we would be glad to help. It is important for us, that the Siberian people know about their history, to preserve the memory of our courageous and brave ancestors, the pioneers, who founded the first Siberian cities», - says captain Rogozin.

The six people who are sure to take part in the trek are making serious preparations. The team is planning to pass Kazachinsky threshold on the motorboat, in order to get acquainted with this difficult part of the route in advance, and in May to arrange a two-day training rafting from Divnogorsk tothe island of Otkhoda in Krasnoyarsk (about30 km) on«Takmak».

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