Верфь Enterprise Marine


Верфь Enterprise Marine строит глиссирующие яхты с флайбриджем. В модельном ряду компании одна модель длиной 13.8 м.

Модельный ряд Enterprise Marine

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О верфи Enterprise Marine

Company history

The Enterprise Marine Shipyard was founded by Nevio Forcellini Mazzoni in 1984 in the small Italian town of Forli, located 19 km from the coast.

Like many other shipyards, the company began with the production of small boats, gradually expanding the range with larger models. As a result, Enterprise Marine took the flybridge segment of luxury yacht construction.


The shipyard is not currently building boats.

Production .

All production processes took place at the Forli facilities. Thus, to provide high quality and reliability of boats, the company was engaged in all stages of construction independently. The whole cycle of works from project creation to launching was carried out without contractors' participation.

Quality durable materials such as rock oak, cherry, coriander and so on have been used for the interiors.

Model range

The Enterprise Marine range consists of gliding boats with flybridge lengths from 12 to 19 meters. These are fast, Italian style yachts with smooth lines and extensive interior glazing.

The design paid special attention to the comfort of the owner and guests. The manufacturer did not chase the number of rooms, so for example, on the smallest 12-meter EM 420 below deck there are only two cabins, but they got their own bathrooms and decent size.


The manufacturer tried to make the construction as easy as possible without loss of strength, that is why GRP was chosen as the basic material for the cases. Lighter weight allowed to install engines of smaller power, as well as to increase productivity of boats and reduce fuel consumption.

Купить яхту Enterprise Marine
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