Верфь Flipper
Bella-Veneet Oy
Väliköntie 10, 70700
Верфь Flipper строит катера с кадди-кабиной и катера с подвесным мотором. В модельном ряду компании - 8 моделей длиной от 6 до 10 м.
Модельный ряд Flipper
О верфи Flipper
Company history
The history of Flipper Boats brand goes back to far 1966, when Swedish Harry Elander created his first four-meter speedboat with a hardtop. After several fruitful years, good performance and a deep V-shaped hull brought the company's boats popularity and even victory in competitions. However, in 1971 the company went bankrupt and its assets were transferred to the Finns from the Rapala Group. Thus, the production moved from Sweden to Finland. In 1992, the company was acquired by the Finnish shipyard Bella Boats, which was already a serious player on the pleasure boat market in Northern Europe.
Production .
Now boats Bella Boats are let out on five factories, about 75 % of production go on export.
The management of the shipyard is proud to note that in the planning and organization of production, and business in general, much was borrowed from the global automotive industry.
Technologies reminiscent of conveyor production help the company to fill the market with boats of its three main brands: Bella, Flipper and Aquador.
Model range
Today the Flipper range includes three lines of GRP boats from 6 to 8.5 meters in length. These include both classic pleasure boats and boats with a sporty«character. The design of the models was developed by the Norwegian Espen Torup, who made a name for himself thanks to the successful cooperation with the Nordkapp shipyard. These are boats with a central console, often equipped with a bow cabin, equipped with outboard motors. Thanks to a fairly balanced pricing policy, decent quality and significant production volumes, more than 40 thousand Flipper boats have already been sold worldwide.
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Катера Flipper в продаже
6,2м2014г.26 моточасовРоссия
6 000 000 ₽ Flipper 700 DC (2023)7,2м2023г.Украина
€41 700 Flipper 800 DC (2023)8,1м2023г.Украина
€52 800 Flipper 900 DC (2023)9,0м2023г.Украина
€170 300 Flipper 900 ST (2023)9,0м2023г.Украина
€170 300 Flipper 630 CC (2013)6,3м2013г.Россия
2 570 000 ₽