Верфь Viator Marine
Viator Marine GmbH
Friedrichstraße 231, 10969
Верфь Viator Marine строит алюминиевые парусные яхты и яхты с дек-салоном. В модельном ряду компании - 2 модели длиной от 12 до 17 м.
Модельный ряд Viator Marine
О верфи Viator Marine
Company history
Despite its young age, the German shipyard Viator Marine has managed to make a decent entry into the shipbuilding market. The company has already taken part in the collaborative work on the catamaran Coboat, and in 2018 it laid down its first hull of its own, the Volt project(Explorer 42 DS). Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the completion date has been constantly shifted and the boat was not launched until 2020. Certainly, the project can be considered a successful start as the aluminium sailboat with lifting keel was noticed by leading yacht experts and was nominated for the title «European Boat of the Year 2021».
In operation.
So far the company has not got its own production site and uses the services of Dutch contractors. The hulls are being built at the renowned Jachtbouw Folmer yard, with finishing and other work being carried out a few kilometres away at Jachtbouw Pronk in Heeg. Viator has partnered with Berckemeyer Yacht Design to plan the hulls.
Special features
Viator follows the current trends in yachting and offers boats with minimal environmental impact. In place of conventional internal combustion engines, electric engines are used and the superstructure roof is equipped with solar panels that are sufficient not only to recharge the batteries, but also to supply electricity for the crew.
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