Верфь Hydrolift
Hydrolift AS
Mosseveien 53, 1610
Верфь Hydrolift строит катера с подвесным мотором и катера-внедорожники с траулерной рубкой. В модельном ряду компании - 13 моделей длиной от 6 до 13 м (в 4 сериях: Electric, Professional Boats, Signature и X).
Модельный ряд Hydrolift
О верфи Hydrolift
Company history
The Norwegian Hydrolift shipyard appeared in 1985 100 km from Oslo. Even then, the company sought to create fast and efficient boats suitable for relaxation and high-speed walks in all parts of the world.
Since 2002 the company has been managed by Bård Eker. Hydrolift is now concentrating on the production of high-tech boats suitable for high speeds and to enjoy the handling.
In recent years, Hydrolift boats have won several awards from the Norwegian Design Consulate for their outstanding and thoughtful appearance.
In 2016, the company presented a range of
Status .
It's working.
The shipyard is located in Fredrikstad town south of Oslo. In 2018, a team of 44 people worked on the Hydrolift boats. The entire production chain is located entirely in Norway. Modern modeling and analysis technologies are actively used in the design process.
Model range
The Hydrolift range is divided into three series: Professional, in which the company uses a proprietary modular design, luxurious Signature with deep customization and the most accessible.
The hulls of the Hydrolift boats are designed with an emphasis on maximum energy efficiency: the boats achieve high speeds with low fuel consumption. This gives the Hydrolift models an aerodynamic, modern profile. Most boats are made of carbon fibre. The fact that Hydrolift products are speed oriented does not mean that the company does not care about comfort: the well thought-out Scandinavian design, embodied in high-quality materials, is not inferior to the equipment of some superyachts.
Снятые с производства яхты и катера Hydrolift
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