Верфь Meridian


Brunswick Corporation

26125 N. Riverwoods Blvd, 60045

Верфь Meridian строит суперяхты и глиссирующие яхты с флайбриджем и также активно работает на рынке суперяхт. В модельном ряду компании - 2 модели длиной от 12 до 15 м.

Модельный ряд Meridian


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О верфи Meridian

Company history

Founded in 2002, American Meridian Yachts has been producing flybridge yachts. The shipyard was part of the Brunswick Boat Group, the largest and oldest player in the national boat market. The company has developed a network of authorized dealers in more than 30 countries.

Status .

The longstanding status of one of the most successful flybridge yacht builders in the U.S. has not kept the company afloat during the global crisis. The shipyard began to fever in the autumn of 2008 when, due to a 40% drop in domestic sales, Brunswiсk decided to close the Meridian shipyard in Arlington. Production was moved to Florida and most of the employees were fired. In 2016 the company finally ceased to produce yachts.


Meridian's facility was located in Arlington, 45 miles from Seattle, Washington, from 2002 to 2008. The main body material was fiberglass. The accent was made on quality of works and materials, and also equipment of boats by the advanced electronic equipment.

Model range

The company specialized in the construction of flybridge gliding yachts 10-18 m long and achieved impressive success in this segment. The latest models of the yard are the 391 Sedan and 441 Sedan.

Features .

Thanks to the company's development, its yachts have often been one step ahead of the competition in technical terms. Meridian boats were fitted with systems that significantly improved their manoeuvrability and efficiency. For example, all models of the shipyard were equipped with bow and stern thrusters, which gave them an advantage over many other yachts. And the integrated control system combining them made operation simple and intuitive.

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