Верфь Rand Boats

Дания, Копенгаген

Skudehavnsvej 34 DK-2150 Nordhavn

Верфь Rand Boats строит катера с центральной консолью и электрические и гибридные катера. В модельном ряду компании - 8 моделей длиной от 5 до 10 м (в 2 сериях: Discovery и Privilege).

Модельный ряд Rand Boats

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О верфи Rand Boats

Company history

Rand Boats is developing a new generation of yachts based on green technology and thanks to the company's founder and part-time chief designer Carl Kai Rand, the boats have an elegant and recognizable style.

In addition to the high-tech, economical «stuffing,» Rand Boats has also shown first-hand how plastic waste can be dealt with - each hull is half made of recycled materials.


With a successful start in 2013, the shipyard is still in operation today.


Capacities of the company are concentrated in Copenhagen. The shipyard boasts a serious design and engineering department. The team of Rand Boats is constantly improving production technologies and introducing them into their new projects.

Model range

The shipyard produces electric and hybrid motor boats from 5 to 11.5 meters in length. The Electric and Power ranges include outboard and stationary engines, centrifugal models and boats with caddy cabins. Yacht series is represented by open cruising yachts and boats with semi-closed interior.


With companies like Rand Boats, the world is changing the concept of electric and hybrid propulsion systems. If only 10-15 years ago boats with electric motors could not compete with internal combustion engines, today they even surpass petrol and diesel engines in some respects. For example, on one charge the boats of the shipyard can easily overcome a hundred nautical miles, and 30 knots for boats are far from the limit.

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