Верфь Ocean Alexander

США, Сиэтл

Alexander Marine International

1115 N. Northlake Way, Suite 100 Seattle, WA 98109 USA

Верфь Ocean Alexander строит суперяхты и моторные суперяхты, полуводоизмещающие яхты и также активно работает на рынке суперяхт. В модельном ряду компании - 9 моделей длиной от 26 до 36 м (в 4 сериях: Explorer, Legend, Puro и Revolution).

Модельный ряд Ocean Alexander


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О верфи Ocean Alexander

History of the Company

The world-famous Taiwanese shipyard Ocean Alexander was founded in the mid 70's, but its present name was not given until 1977, when it was owned by Alex Chueh. He received the company from a friend who could not repay the debt and offered his company as a compensation.

Ocean Alexander immediately started building serial models and simultaneously occupied a niche of semi-deck superyachts. The first lines were designed by Ed Monk. From under his pen came the famous Mark I. She set the individual style of boats of the shipyard, which can be seen even in modern models.

To cope with the ever-increasing volume of orders, the company doubled its production capacity in 1986, and in 1998 the shipyard passed ISO-9002 certification.

Status .

At the time of writing, in 2019, Alex's son Johnny Chueh is running the company. He carefully preserves the traditions founded by his father.


Ocean Alexander has production facilities in Taiwan and China, and in 2016 the company was launched in the USA. In addition, the company has a worldwide technical service network.

The shipyard has its own design office, but at the client's request the shipyard is ready to invite outside architects and designers for cooperation.

Model range

Ocean Alexander offers a wide range of boats for its customers. The company builds steel, aluminum motor yachts and also produces models made of composite materials.

Divergence series includes small open cruising yachts. Instead of traditional stationary engines, these boats have outboard motors. The Revolution and Motoryachts ranges are available in semi-displacement and gliding models with flybridge. The Megayachts range includes semi-custom superyachts from 30 meters in length.

Features .

Ocean Alexander uses the latest 3-D modelling tools to design boats. They allow us to identify possible difficulties at an early stage and find effective solutions.

In-house soundproofing technologies reduce noise pollution and vibration and make your stay on board more comfortable. At designing the company also pays due attention to maintenance of the yacht. The manufacturer tries to simplify access to the units and components of their boats for their repair and maintenance.

In 2015, Showboats International magazine named Ocean Alexander one of the top five superyacht builders in the world.

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