Верфь Trophy


Верфь Trophy строит катера для рыбалки и катера с подвесным мотором. В модельном ряду компании - 2 модели длиной от 6 до 8 м.

Модельный ряд Trophy

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О верфи Trophy

Company history

After the world-famous Bayliner company joined the equally famous Brunswick in 1986, the management of the corporation decided to single out one line of shipyards as a separate brand. Thus, a new brand of fishing boats Trophy entered the market.

For two decades the company has been successfully developing not only the American market, but also managed to become famous far abroad. The onset of the crisis had a major impact on the shipbuilding business and Brunswick had to find solutions to stay afloat.

Status of the company

The cessation of production of boats under the Trophy brand in Brunswick was talked about at the height of the crisis in 2009, but the active support of dealers helped to extend the life of the brand until 2011.

Production .

During the pre-crisis years the boats were produced at many plants of the concern in the USA, but then the production of boats began to decrease and only one enterprise in Ashland City (Tennessee) was allocated for the needs of the brand.

The company initially employed over 200 people, and by 2010 it had reduced its staff to 90.

Model range

The shipyard produced fast and reliable fishing boats with outboard engine from 5,5 to 8 meters long. For lovers of 1-2 days of rest there were options withCaddy Cabin. There were also boats with central console in the model range, which gave the fisherman maximum freedom during fishing.

Features .

The Trophy boats were characterized by increased safety, despite their small size, the boats of the yard could go out on the open sea. The company was confident in the quality of its products, so the manufacturing defects of the hull were covered by a 10-year warranty.

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