Верфь Locaboat


Верфь Locaboat строила водоизмещающие яхты и хардкорные ретро-пароходы. В актуальном модельном ряду компании сейчас нет лодок, однако вы можете ознакомиться с продукцией верфи в разделе “Снятые с производства”.

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О верфи Locaboat

History of the company

While for most shipbuilders the production and sale of boats comes first, the story with Locaboat is quite different. Founded in 1977 in France, the company focused on the new entertainment segment for that time - private river and canal cruises in Europe.

Development and construction here played a partly secondary role.

At the same time, the company has managed to create an individual style of its courts and become in some way a trendsetter.

Boats were successfully sold to tourism companies, were in demand from private clients and added to their own park (for tourist services). Today it has 380 vessels and the company offers cruises in Germany, France, Poland and Ireland.

Status .

The production of new boats has stopped, the company continues to work only in the tourism industry and sometimes puts up for sale boats from its park.


The company's production facilities were located in France. Locaboat still owns several facilities where boats from its fleet are maintained and repaired.

Model range

For quiet family cruises on the rivers high speed and maneuverability are not necessary, here the main thing is comfort and a maximum of useful space. Based on such requirements, Locaboat has made quite logical choice in favor of self-propelled barges. The result is a kind of vintage steamships with a displacement hull.


Locaboat was designed specifically for travel on the inland waters of Europe, so its size makes it easy to pass under low bridges, through narrow sluices and canals, of which there are many. The shipyard has built reliable boats, even today you can find 80's boats in good condition without any problems.

Снятые с производства лодки Locaboat

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