About Us
itBoat is a global database of all existing models of sailing and motor yachts and a web service which helps search, choose, compare and buy boats. itBoat partners with experienced and trusted yacht sellers and connects buyers with sellers through itBoat Catalog to ensure the most seamless buying experience.
itBoat is also a web magazine about boats, yachts and yacht life. We have been delivering objective information about yachts and boats since our inception in 2010.
For more detailed information please go to ‘How itBoat Works’ page.
What does “itBoat” mean: The story behind our name
The name itBoat comes from the combination of the words "it" and "boat". The word "it" stands for information technology, and also refers to the slang expression "it girl", which originated in Britain in the first half of the 20th century. This expression, denoting an attractive, stylish girl, was widely used in glossy magazines. Later, the word "it" began to be used in relation to attractive men as well. Today the new meaning of the word "it" ’ is fixed in dictionaries. Two interpretations of the name itBoat reflect the essence of the project: on the one hand, it is a web service for the search and selection of yachts, on the other, a lifestyle magazine about yachts and yachting, in which we talk about the most relevant, attractive, stylish models of boats. More about the name