Lightweight, flat-bottomed boats designed for reliable use in shallow waters such as rivers, streams, and marshes.

Aluminum boats

Lightweight, flat-bottomed boats designed for reliable use in shallow waters such as rivers, streams, and marshes.

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"Winged" metal is widely spread not only in the air but also on water - aluminium alloys of steel are one of the main materials for ship hulls production after wood and steel and even after invention of fiberglass plastic hold strong positions.

The main advantages of aluminium boats are that their hulls are light, strong, relatively durable, almost do not require maintenance and are very resistant to abrasion of the surface layer when in contact with sand, ice or stones. Moreover, the marine aluminium alloy is corrosion-resistant and does not require painting. On the other hand, boats made of this material have certain drawbacks such as worse maintainability and hydrodynamics of the hull compared to fiberglass, as well as noisiness and high thermal conductivity.

In Russia and Scandinavia, aluminum boats are very popular due to tradition, and modern trends in shipbuilding suggest combining aluminum hulls with plastic decks to reduce the weight of the vessel and improve its design.