Articles covering: Theory and practice
Theory and practice
Four questions to ask yourself before buying a boat
How to choose your first boat and not to regret it
Theory and practice
How to choose an outboard
Detailed guide to outboard performance
Theory and practice
How to choose a motor for your boat
Talking about the differences between engines on boats up to 12 meters
Theory and practice
How to choose a yacht by engine type
We tell you about all kinds of stationary motors and drives that can be found on boats longer than 10 meters
Theory and practice
Pleated or displacement yacht. Which to choose?
The clearest guide to yacht hull types
Theory and practice
Modern sail fabrics and how to choose them
What materials are used to make sails today and how they differ from each other?
Theory and practice
Guide to types of sailing equipment
How to choose a sailing wardrobe for a novice yachtsman
Theory and practice
Deposit on the purchase agreement. Where is the catch?
Addressing the litigation surrounding the payment of the deposit for the yacht
Theory and practice
What is RIB
Features and main manufacturers of hybrid rigid hull boats and PVC boats
Theory and practice
How the final cost of a new yacht is formed
Let's take a look at examples
Theory and practice
A third extra? Five classic brokerage commission disputes.
We look at the examples of yachts by Boris Berezovsky and Kirill Pisarev, how legal disputes between a broker and a seller are resolved.
Theory and practice
Buying a yacht: legal subtleties in technical condition assessment
Eight classic examples of court decisions to avoid mistakes when buying a yacht