Formula 350 Sun Sport Specifications
The motor yacht Formula 350 Sun Sport is produced by the brand Formula since 2013. The Formula 350 Sun Sport is a 10.67 meter open yacht with 1 guest cabin and a draft of 0.99 meters. The yacht has a fiberglass / grp hull with a CE certification class (C) and can navigate along the coastline, on rivers and canals. The base price of a new Formula 350 Sun Sport is not currently published, please contact the itBoat team for pricing details.
sterndrive 2 x 300 hp Volvo Penta D4-300 - Shaft
sterndrive 2 x 380 hp MerCruiser 8.2 MAG - Bravo III X
sterndrive 2 x 400 hp Volvo Penta 8.1GiCE - DP Duoprop
sterndrive 2 x 430 hp MerCruiser 8.2 MAG H.O. - Bravo III X
Formula 350 Sun Sport Overview
The idea behind the Formula 350 Sun Sport was to maximise the opportunities for travelers on short voyages. A large cockpit with a bar, a bathing platform and a sun lounger will make it possible to spend both a family and friendly weekend«on the» water with pleasure and comfort. The cabin is much larger in volume than you would expect when looking at the boat outside. The space under the bow deck acts as both a galley and a company cabin, as well as overnight accommodations. The media complex includes a flat-screen TV and stereo system with audio output, including the cockpit.
The control station is equipped with two seats with variable seating position, so that the boat can be controlled both standing and sitting. The Formula 350 Sun Sport is balanced so that the bow of the boat is kept visibly below the horizon line, which gives a good view while driving.
For all its rich farm and considerable weight 350 Sun Sport shows good dynamics, accelerating (with two engines of 430 h.p.) up to 53 knots and going to the planing in less than 5 seconds. At a cruising speed of 29 knots, the boat will travel 187 miles, burning about 3.5 liters of fuel for each mile. Not very economical, but compared to the price of the boat, fuel costs are unlikely to seem excessive.
Formula 350 Sun Sport Videos
View video reviews, onboard virtual tours and walkthroughs, sea trials and test drives of the Formula 350 Sun Sport motor yacht from the manufacturer and independent yachting experts. Convinced the Formula 350 Sun Sport is for you? Contact our team today to learn more.
Formula 350 Sun Sport Documents
Download PDF documents for the Formula 350 Sun Sport model including brochures with standard specifications, price lists featuring optional upgrades, performance charts and test drive data along with a range of scanned articles offering in-depth reviews and expert opinions.
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