Finngulf FG46 Specifications
The Finngulf FG46 is produced by the brand Finngulf Finngulf FG46 is a 14.00 meters cruising yacht with a Mediterranean cockpit with a draft of 2.55 meters. The base price of a new Finngulf FG46 is not currently published, please contact the itBoat team for pricing details.
Finngulf FG46 Overview
Finngulf 46 is today's flagship company. This boat has already taken part in several rallies. ARCwith some good results there. This fast cruiser with a classic appearance is designed to spend time at sea, not at the berth.
The semi-series assembly of this boat allows the customer to choose from a very large list of options - you can even choose the type of resin in the future laminate: epoxy or vinylester. It goes without saying that the choice of interior finishes is also wide - teak, cherry, mahogany and oak are available as options.