Saturn yachts 47 Specifications
The Saturn yachts 47 is produced by the brand Saturn yachts Saturn yachts 47 is a 14.32 meters sport cruiser with a draft of 1.98 meters. The base price of a new Saturn yachts 47 is not currently published, please contact the itBoat team for pricing details.
Saturn yachts 47 Overview
The Saturn 47 is the youngest model of the shipyard, with the first yacht touching the water in the summer of 2009. This yacht with its North European architecture (central cockpit) is exceptionally reliable: in addition to the high quality isophthalic resin used to mould the hull section, for example, the two outer layers of glass fabric are laminated using even more expensive epoxy resin. In this way, the owner can simply forget the osmosis problem forever. The same can be said for the rest of the boat: the resin, glass fabric, stainless steel, mahogany and teak were clearly not saved during construction.
The yacht is not a heavy-duty boat, however, with a wind speed of about 8 m/s the yacht can easily reach speeds above 9.5 knots.
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