He was the first to go around the world without stopping - his solo voyage on a «Swahili» yacht ended in 1969. In 2014 Sir Knox-Johnston turned 75, but little has changed since then - he still sails, and still not everyone, as the last «Rum Race»has shown, can chase him. The editors of itBoat publish excerpts from his interviews over the years.
People mention my age, of course, but honestly, who cares if I feel young and healthy. I don't plan on leaving the sailing race, that's for sure.
First thing: Before you go on a big voyage, recognize the boat. Before you take this boat out to sea for a long time, make sure you have the experience and everything you need - and apply common sense. Don't go out in the storm, it's stupid - wait until it calms down.
Robin Knox-Johnston is a kaleidoscope of memories, really.
There's something about solo voyages. It's the satisfaction of doing everything on your own. Just being able to manage your life the way the hell you want it to be.
I really like experimental cuisine. When my wife was alive, she was discouraged - it took too long to clean the pots.
When I first went on a solo voyage around the world, I managed to sell my story and cover all expenses. I swam into financial solvency.
Yes, I was a stubborn bastard.
I don't think I have to do anything worthy of the press coverage every time; I might as well take my grandchildren on a boat and enjoy the day under sail. That's important too.
I still smoke. Less now, but I'm still doing it. I justify myself by showing how the wind behaves when I'm quiet in cigarette smoke.
When I'm in a bad mood, I get really nasty. Less often I lose my temper when I talk to people, more and more with things, like Basil and his car in the «Fawlty Towers» (ItBoat: British series 1975-1979).
I'm a hunter. It's a man's thing. All this joking, giggling, fooling is nothing compared to how many birds you've hit. Pheasant's damn unlucky if he's flying within gunshot range of me.
The problem with aging is that the file cabinet is full - you try to add new information and there's no room for it. You remember what happened to you when you were five years old, but sometimes you barely remember what happened a few days ago, all because the information only slipped on top and went straight to the basket.
I try to be law-abiding because our civilization depends on it. After all, we're all stuck here, and if you don't have any rules, it's chaos.
Young people are aggressive. When you're old, people smile and say «good morning», I think it's wonderful.
My greatest achievement is my daughter. Round the world later.
I've wanted to go to sea since I was eight. Well, if you like, my life was determined by an eight-year-old, and I didn't regret it for a minute.