My second passion (after yachts, of course) is music, so this kind of review should have happened sooner or later. The hit parade included songs whose lyrics are somehow related to sailing themes. Offer your favourite sailing tracks in comments.
Van Morrison «Into The Mystic»
Van Morrison's virtuoso mixes Irish folk, blues, jazz and soul in his compositions. Into The Mystic «is one»of Van Morrison's classic works and the centerpiece of his 1970 Moondance album. The bass part gives the feeling of a boat on the move. The song has a strong therapeutic effect: according to the BBC survey, it is very much loved to listen to during complex surgery surgeons. In the sea, too, it is very, very difficult, and life may depend on the decision made. In a difficult situation«, take a deep breath of the smell of the sea, feel the sky and let your soul swim away into the unknown, sings Van»Morrison.
Jimmi Hendrix «Drifting»
Mesmerizing beauty of guitar parts of the ballad Jimmy Hendrix from his posthumous album The Cry «of Love . The guitars spill, flow and murmur like water, and in the final seconds the songs mimic the screams of seagulls flying over the sea. «Drifting in a sea of forgotten tears on a lifeboat, walking on the strength of your love, Hendricks sings gently», as if he had a feeling he would soon sail to another shore. This music is filled with tenderness and light sadness, and also the calm of liberation.
Neil Young «Cripple Creek Ferry.»
The concluding song from the album by Canada's renowned musician Neil Young, Cripple «Creek Ferry, tells» the story of the Cripple Creek ferry as it walks down the river past low hanging trees. The song is perfect for the moment when the crew meet, creating a friendly atmosphere on board. Especially since Yang is also a yachtsman himself. For 30 years he has been sailing on the 101-foot Baltic merchant schooner W. N. Ragland, named after the musician's father.
Rod Stewart «Sailing»
A 1975 hit from Rod Stewart about a sailor, returning home to his beloved through a storm, was actually written three years earlier by Gavin Sutherland of the Sutherland Brothers. «Most people think it's a song about a young guy who tells his girlfriend that he's ready to cross the Atlantic to be with her. Actually, the song has nothing to do with romance or ships. It's a story of a spiritual journey through life's turmoil to freedom and unity with God," says the»author. Maybe, but in Rod Stewart's performance, the song still has a more down-to-earth (or better said, cited) meaning. See what a romantic young man he is in white on a white yacht in this clip:
Bob Marley and the Waiters «Don't Rock My Boat»
Everyone who has no stabilization system on the boat is dedicated. It's a joke. Bob Marley is a good listener on a rainy day, when the cold, rain and excitement is strong. Solar reggae is quite capable to disperse clouds if not in the sky, then at least in the shower. And the reservoir near Moscow will suddenly seem like the Caribbean Sea.
Beautiful South «I'll sail this ship alone»
The third and last single from the debut album of English pop-rock band The Beautiful South I'll «sail this ship alone in the late» eighties was unjustly ignored, taking only 31st place on the British chart. Actually, it's about love, of course, like most songs in the world. «If you decide to give him a second chance, I will lead my ship alone," sings»Paul Heaton, meaning of course the allegorical ship of «life. But even a real ship sometimes has to lead alone. Ask Sir Robin Knox-Johnston. There is no doubt that this relaxed relaxation ballad will brighten up any lonely voyage. Its leitmotif: there's nothing wrong with being alone. What's more, you can even enjoy it.
Travis «Sailing Away»
A little light Scottish indie rock for next generation captains cutting beards in barbershops. «Cause I live by the river, live by the river and I'll die by the river, I'm sailing, away, today," sings Travis». It's a song about how you can sometimes just sail «away from trouble. It seems to me that for many yachtsmen, a boat is a secret way to escape from all the problems waiting on the shore and clear your head a little. By the way, the track Sailing Away is also a secret one. It's a hidden track from The Boy «with No Name .
Florence and the Machine «Ship to Wreck»
Another indie rock song in my playlist, Ship to Wreck, combines cheerful, energetic music with beautiful female vocals telling of a craving for (self) destruction. «Did I only build this ship to smash it?»- sings Florence Welch. In her lyrics, she so often uses marine themes that producer Markus Drevs has forbidden her to include songs with similar lyrics on the new album, referring to the fact that the theme has already been exploited on the previous record. However, the singer managed to insist on her own, and Ship To Wreck«is on the band's» third album How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful. Not for nothing - according to Billboard, the song is in the top ten tracks of 2015.
Alina Orlova «Sailor»
About 10 years ago I discovered the piercing Alina Orlova - Lithuanian singer with original vocals and music, defined by critics as an alternative «folk. At first Alina played the piano for herself, but with time she acquired her own ensemble. The coolest thing is that she has a song about a sailor. It is obviously not the best, but it fits into our list and gives me the right to tell absolutely legally about this singer.
Awolnation «Sail»
The only hit of the American alternative band Awolnation, the energetic and good evil «»track Sail «»will be an excellent soundtrack for physically demanding group work on a yacht - spinning winches, climbing gear, choosing halyards, opening. It was not for nothing that BMW used this song in advertising for the 2012 Summer Olympics, and extreme athlete Jeb Corliss - in a flight video in a costume wing.