Marinas are protected from the whims of nature by breakwaters and breakwaters, but from the whims of human nature in them, unfortunately, not hide. The superyacht captains have remembered the most egregious cases that took place before their eyes during the marina berth. The material was collected by Risa Merl from Boat International. All names have been changed to protect the innocent (and not so innocent).
Fatal attraction.
Tells the captain of a 50-meter yacht, south of France.

I worked for the owner, who always gathered all sorts of people on board - I was used to it. But one summer we anchored in the south of France, and everything went wrong. He took his family with him (that's just fine) and they went for a walk in the city.
In the evening, the owner returned and said that his wife and children were still shopping (also normal). He came with a woman I had never seen before and introduced her as his girlfriend.
Together they had a good time until at some point he threw her off the boat; around that time the rest of the family was on the horizon. Everything was so harmonious, as if he had staged it! But a stranger was nearby: I noticed her in a restaurant right in front of our boat.
She was just looking at the boat, drinking and smoking one cigarette after another. And so, all night long, until the boss took a moment to get off her boat. The adventure lasted for days until one day he went out to see her. The restaurant closed, and she came close to us. That's how she stood, staring at the boat for hours. Next, more: she started a conversation with a crew member who was on night watch. Naturally, he wouldn't let her on board. Then she got hysterical, started screaming. The marina guard came and at that moment the owner went out to talk to her. She left, and we never saw her again. The movie «Fatal Attraction»immediately comes to mind.
Big Brother sees you.
Says the captain of a 65-meter yacht, Paradise Island, the Bahamas.

Drones are fun for the time being. We got up on a murine in the Bahamas when a drone suddenly flew over our heads from another yacht. It was hovering over the Sundeck where our guests were sunbathing. It was no accident: he decided to stay late, clearly interested in the spectacle. While we were trying to figure out where it came from, angry guests began throwing pillows at it. The drone remained unharmed, but the pillows went down.
Football passion
Tells the captain of a 49-metre motor yacht, Capri, Italy...

We were on a charter flight in Capri during the World Cup 2006. The guests went to land to watch the finals, and we did the same thing on board, not without pleasure. Italy played with France, and it so happened that we were an Italian boat by nationality, while the neighbouring boat was French. That's how we sat on the aft deck and yelled at each other the whole time, madness! And in the end Italy won! The team of the French yacht immediately fled inside and the shame went through all the windows. The clients soon returned and we celebrated the victory together, jumping into the water right in their underwear. Then literally the whole marina fell over, there was a huge party, but at some point I had to rescue one of the guests who jumped and then couldn't climb aboard because we didn't have room to take the stairs down.
Falcon berthing
Captain of a 45-meter yacht, Charleston, USA.

It didn't happen to me, but I was a witness. We were in Charleston, South Carolina. One day we spotted a sport fishing boat that was carrying all the pairs. The captain was standing with his back to the helm and not even looking at the gas knob. It was a beautiful boat from Rybovich with lacquered transom - just an amazing boat. But the guy was clearly looking and walking too fast. So he reached out to turn the gear off and missed. And this beautiful transom impaled into the dock, and the captain himself flew over the fence and fell into the cockpit below deck. Even worse, the dock was floating, so everyone standing there fell like dominoes. I can imagine how he explained everything to the owner of the ship...
The Magic Pendel.
Tells the captain of a 45-meter yacht, Ukraine.

I was managing a yacht that the owner had kept for some time in Ukraine. When we were mooring there, we were always gathering a crowd of spectators. They stood and waved at us, our boat was a star at this size. And one day, when we came to the marina, some drunk spectator decided that it would be a good idea to come to us. Except we still had the propellers working reverse! And he also didn't take into account that our transom is reclining, going up, not down. As soon as he grabbed it, we pressed the button and the transom just shove it back into the sea. That's how to get rid of unwanted guests.
Translated by Denis Koshelev.