SMS saves sailor stranded on desert island

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Last Monday, the British coastguard rescued a yachtsman whose yacht had sunk. The man in distress did not appeal directly to the rescue services, but sent a text message to his girlfriend. He said in a text message that he had reached a desert island on his own, after his boat had sunk.

The girlfriend, after receiving the disturbing news from her fiancé, reported it to the rescue team. The rescue team responded immediately.

The coast guard noticed the life jacket and the mast sticking out of the water near the deserted island of Stipe Holm, but they did not see any traces of the fisherman. The lifeguards were able to contact him by phone. He had drifted away from the shore and climbed onto the roof of an abandoned building. The yachtsman was put on a rescue boat and taken to the harbour.

Rescuers admit the man was incredibly lucky to be near a piece of land, and the phone literally saved his life.

However, the specialists do not recommend other boaters to rely on SMS in emergency situations, it is much safer to have a walkie-talkie or radio beacons.

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