16 days drifting across the Atlantic on chips and cookies

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A 23-year-old from the Bahamas was rescued off the coast of Florida after 16 days adrift in the Atlantic Ocean. He had been eating corn chips and cookies the entire time.

In mid-January, Samuel Moss Jr. left the port of Bimini Island for his native Nassau in a newly purchased 21-foot fishing boat.

The lad ventured out on his 140-mile voyage in the rain and strong waves. However, this decision turned out to be rash: he quickly ran out of fuel while battling the elements.

The family sounded the alarm when Samuel failed to get in touch the next morning. The rescue team had searched the route of the voyager in vain and had already put him on the list of the missing.

In the meantime, the current had nailed the drifting boat to Andros Island. The traveler spent the night there surrounded by wild pigs, and then decided to return to the point of departure. To do so, he stretched a tarp as a sail, and used an engine and anchor to steer the vessel.

Of the provisions on board the careless yachtsman had only chips, biscuits and bottled water.

From this he survived for 12 days before a 10-metre wave washed away his already meagre supplies of food, passport and phone. Moss himself injured his back and ribs by falling to the deck.

Samuel drifted for another four days before a private boat came upon him about 10 miles off the coast of West Palm Beach, Florida. During that time, he survived a shark encounter safely and the boat almost went underwater.

«I was too exhausted to lift my arm, so the Coast Guard had to pull me out of the boat,», Moss said, after he came to his senses.

This is the second time in a year that the young adventurer has been in a similar situation.

In February 2017, Samuel was ferrying a boat he bought in Miami to Grand Bahama Island. He then spent 3 days in sea captivity without food or water. So going to sea this time, he took with him provisions he thought would last 4-5 days. Although his choice of food can hardly be called practical, even such a modest supply allowed the guy to survive.

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