The search for the British sailors has been called off

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Last Friday, the U.S. Coast Guard called off the search for the missing British yachtsmen.

A total of rescuers searched more than 21,000 square miles (about 54,000 square kilometers) and found the overturned vessel Cheeki Rafiki east of the Cape Cod Peninsula. Photographs released by the Coast Guard show that the boat has lost its keel. No people could be found inside the boat or on the investigated water surface.

There is no chance the swimmers are alive: a life raft was found in the stern of the wreck.

«Given the extreme weather conditions in the wreck area, the survival time in the ocean is approximately 20 hours. We have been working for over 200 hours and are only now stopping the search»," said the rescue team.

Recall that the British yacht sailing from Antigua to Europe went missing more than a week ago Friday, May 16. Since then the search has been started twice. The second time was at the urging of the public and authorities.

The crew «Chica Rafiki» consisted of four sailors: Andrew Bridge (21, skipper), Steve Warren (52), Paul Goslin (56) and James Mayle (23).

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