Builder Fareast
Shanghai Far East FRP Boats Co., Ltd
Room 605,Building 5, Xizi International Center, No.898 Xiuwen Road, Minhang District, 201100
The brand Fareast produces junior and youth classes and one-design racing keelboats. There are 17 models currently in production ranging from 2 to 13 meters. We invite you to explore all current and older models from Fareast and contact us for sales and pricing information.
Fareast Model Range
Company history
Shanghai Far East FRP Boats was founded in 2002 by Weifeng Lu. The shipyard started with the production of Optimist class yachts under the ISAF license. In 2003 the company built and sold about 230 yachts, in 2004 sales exceeded 1000 units. By 2007 the shipyard had received official approval from ISAF for the production of Class 420 and Laser yachts. In 2008 Far East Boats acted as the official service supplier to the Beijing Olympic Games. In the following years, the shipyard has paid more attention to the development of its own range of yachts as well as the construction of motor RIBs, supplying the latter, among other things, as referees and trainers' boats. Far East has repeatedly acted as the official supplier to the national sailing team and to regional and world championships. In 2015, the Fareast 28R received the World Sailing monotype certificate.
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Model range
Far East produces a wide range of cruise and racing sailing boats and multihulls from 3 to 11 meters, as well as motorized RIBs and houseboats 4-7
Features .
Olympic Class yachts are being built on Far East Boats in strict accordance with World Sailing standards. The company cooperates with the European architectural bureau Simonis Voogd. Some of Far East models have taken a leading position in the regional market and are gaining popularity in the world as a whole. The keel boats of the FarEast R series are used, among other things, for monotype racing. For example, the annual Fareast 28R World Championship brings together over 25 teams.
Discontinued Models