The organisers of Cannes Yachting Festival, Europe's largest boat show on the water, announced that they had to cancel the event because of the coronavirus.
The 43rd edition was to be held this year from 8 to 13 September, with 352 companies attending. Spectators were supposed to see about 400 boats from 3 to 43 meters long. 140 premieres of different levels were planned.
It was first announced in early July that, despite the pandemic, the exhibition would take place. On August 8, exactly one month before the exhibition, the organizers once again assured that the plans were in place. However, on August 11 the French government issued an order according to which mass events with an audience of more than 5000 people cannot be held in the country until at least October 30. The decision is related to the increase in the incidence of COVID-19 throughout the country against the background of an abnormal heat wave that has lasted for several weeks. It was originally thought that the ban on mass events in France would be lifted just in September.
In 2019, Cannes Yachting Festival had 54,000 visitors, i.e. theoretically about 9,000 daily visitors (in reality, of course, the number of visitors varied).