On 16 May 2018, the District Court of Varsinais-Suomi declared the Finnish builder of seaworthy sailing cruisers Nauticat Yachts OY bankrupt. This is stated in a letter that the shipyard sent to its customers and dealers. Hannu Ylönen, a lawyer from Krogerus Attorneys, was appointed trustee in bankruptcy of Nauticat.
Nauticat has been experiencing financial difficulties for several years. According to former Nauticat chief financial officer Martin Gustavsson the company bankruptcy is caused by ineffective production and poor sales, especially - new boats.

Yacht.de was able to get in touch with Nauticat's German dealer Gründl Bootsimport GmbH. Its CEO Richard Gründl told journalists that according to his information production is currently ongoing in Riihikoski, where Nauticat's production facilities are located.
Since the early 1950's Nauticat has been building rugged traditional Motor Sailers and seaworthy High Seas Cruisers with raised wheelhouse. Today the Nauticat range includes 10 yachts from 10 to 16 meters LOA.

Earlier another famous European manufacturer of sailing yachts Bavaria declared on bankruptcy.
During the last two weeks more than 30 yachts were delivered and 600 employees stayed on workplaces. According to the latest information, Bavaria has received offers from several investors and hopes to announce the new owner in July.