The Moscow channel. Moscow canal will tighten requirements for ship owners

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After the passenger ship Ilya Muromets ran aground on the night of August 26 to 27 in Rybinsk Reservoir «Ilya Muromets», the Moscow Channel decided to tighten the requirements for the technical condition of vessels on inland waterways. Moscow decided to tighten requirements for the technical condition of vessels on inland waterways, said the head of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Moscow Canal» German Yelyanyushkin.

«Ilya Muromets» was on its way from Moscow to Kazan. Due to water penetration into fuel the vessel was forced to make an unscheduled mooring at an unequipped shore of the Volga near Myshkin where it ran aground. The vessel's crew repaired the failure in time. «None of the 180 people on board» was injured. A pusher came to the accident place and got the ship off the ground, after which the ship continued its rout.

The Investigative Committee began an investigation into the mooring of «Ilya Muromets» near an unequipped shore.

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