At the beginning of November the yacht market was pleased with the release of an interesting new product - a two-seater personal hydrofoil boat Quadrofoil. The vessel is equipped with an electric motor and can «fly» over water for two hours without recharging. The Quadrofoil is already available to order. The price for an unusual boat starts from $18.7 thousand. Whether it's worth it or not, you can decide for yourself by looking at it in action.

The heroine of the next video is over 10 years old, but she's still good. The world's tenth largest sailing boat, a 210-footer... Felicita West recently underwent a major upgrade in Florida. This process, which lasted a year and a half, was placed in one small but dynamic video.

The cute video, in which a sea lion chases a fishing boat and jumps on board to eat fish, has collected over 50,000 views on YouTube in just under a month. After the animal gets what it wants, it jumps back into the sea calmly and sails away. The video was filmed off the coast of Cabo San Lucas in Mexico in late October. The author claims that in those places, the behaviour of sea lions is common.

And now, after you got +1 to «the target», after watching this video, a spoonful of tar: there is a suspicion that the video is fake. When you look carefully in some places you can notice glues and mismatches in the speed of the mammal and the boat.
In the middle of the month the hit of the yachting segment YouTube was the video of the most unsuccessful regatta in the world. It is about shooting from the amateur rowing competition, 2014 Snowflake Regatta, held in Riverhead (New York). One of the boats crashed into wooden fences, dropping a rower in the water, the other almost rammed a small motorboat, then two crews collided and two others «left» in the thick grass. See the video below for a record of this outrage.

And for your snack we have prepared for you an entertaining video of the production process of sails for 12 Clipper 70 yachts, which will participate in the Clipper Round the World, placed in 1:30 minute video.